Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Selecting the Right Furniture for the Book Lover

Finding space for all their books is one of the many challenges of book lovers living on their own (or even with roommates or partners). This is a singular problem as books, unlike clothes, shoes, or accessories, cannot be folded or hung in a cabinet. Book lovers also tend to see storing away their most prized possessions as something of a sacrilege. Many furniture retailers have come to notice this niche market and are now stocking up on pieces that book lovers will love.

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Versatility is key to finding the perfect closet for books while still keeping within the budget. Many closets now have adjustable grooves which can fit as many as four or five shelves. These shelves can be taken out to accommodate larger books or placed back in to shelve smaller items. Individuals who find a piece they love but are lacking in space can ask their local furniture retailer to add more grooves. This is a particularly useful suggestion for people who have vintage pieces they do not want to give away.

Another technique is foregoing standard pieces altogether and choosing furniture that perform multiple functions. One such example is a bed whose frame is actually a closet. Furniture designers have been creating versatile beds such as these for new parents to store their baby’s stuff. However, these bed frames can also be used as additional space for books.

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For many years, Circus Furniture has been the go-to name for furniture needs. Learn more about the company’s products by liking this Facebook page.